The Other Roads

Talks & Discussions

The Empire Through Other Eyes

Rhian Seedsower

on  Sat, 10:00in  Myfanwy of Hercynia Roomfor  60min

It can be very easy to get caught up in the Imperial perspective on everything. Our culture and customs become the default from which every other nation in the world deviates. As such, we can find ourselves forgetting that things which seem obvious to us are deeply unclear to people born and raised in other countries. This session will aim to challenge attendees to step outside of their own cultural context and view the nations of the Empire through the eyes of an outsider.

This is intended to be a light-hearted session in which participants play the role of citizens of other foreign nations. From this perspective they will be tasked with producing informative presentations on what a prospective traveller in Imperial lands might need to know to avoid awkward misunderstandings. They will then have a chance to deliver these presentations to their fellow attendees, probably in the “Turning Over New Leaves” session at the end of Saturday. We are discussing the possibility of some kind of prize for the best presentation.

 Overview  Schedule