The Other Roads

Talks & Discussions

Every Nation In The World In Sixty Minutes Or Less

Pridd Seedsower, Rhian Seedsower

on  Sat, 9:00in  Isaella Exemplar Roomfor  60min

It’s a big world out there, filled with nations both near and far, large and small. It can be difficult for a busy citizen to fully understand even the ten nations of the Empire, let alone the details of people we may have few if any common cultural touchstones with. Considering the complex interactions of different powers on the world stage, even a basic knowledge of these nations can make all the difference to Imperial diplomacy. Fortunately, a basic understanding is exactly what we have.

This session will comprise a series of short group discussions which will aim to highlight the notable aspects of every non-Imperial nation with whom we have diplomatic relations. These discussions will be directly aimed at those citizens who may wish to engage with these nations, but feel that they lack the knowledge to do so. It is our hope that these can provide a jumping-off point for people to begin looking into those areas of the world that they may not have known much about before.

 Overview  Schedule