Building A Treaty
Relationships with foreigners we are not at war with are usually defined by the terms of a treaty. These are composed by the relevant ambassador, often in direct cooperation with their counterpart from a foreign nation, and presented for ratification by their respective governments.
This session will give you the opportunity to practice composing your own treaty with one of the many foreign nations, using modular components and your own imaginations.
- There will be a variety of suggested wording templates, based on previous treaties the Empire has made, which can be copied or used for inspiration.
- Each foreign nation available in this exercise will have their resources, needs, wants and priorities summarised simply for the purposes of the session.
- An example selection of “stuff the Empire can offer” will be provided, but you are welcome to think up your own.
And then we’ll build some example treaties (as a large group, small groups, or individuals depending on how we feel on the day) - possibly with glue and scissors!
The aim of the game is to compose a treaty that both governments would probably accept, trying to balance the needs and wants of all parties. There will be space for discussion and feedback from all participants.
The session is intended to be quite informal and relaxed - there’s no stakes here and it’s safe to experiment!