The Other Roads


Guy Twisted Rose (they/they)

A Dawnish native of the western Barrens, Ser Guy of the Twisted Rose arrived at Anvil as Guy Wooder, around about the time that their nation’s ancient Ambition for the territory became a loud, Empire-wide debate of races and competitions, of conquest versus liberation.

In the time since, they have distinguished themselves dutifully assisting high offices like the General of the Eastern Sky and the Archmage of Winter, in matters magical (for the former) and martial (for the latter); as a unit captain to a lance within their nation, since stepped down; and, now, as proxy Champion of Pride.

But for the last eighteen months, these military, mystical and spiritual concerns have often played second fiddle to working on the thorny diplomatic situation in their home territory. They have become a vocal advocate for the Rahvin at Anvil, and have been volunteered as a speaker by their allies in that cause.

Sessions involved in at this retreat:
 Fri, 21:00 Special Session on the Barrens
