The Other Roads


Sławomir Rabovich Bolotstrazh (he/they)

Sławomir is a Wise One from the False Hopes Output, Ossium who became a Varushkan citizen when Ossium was liberated by the Empire and Otkodov. Has been involved in imperial diplomacy with the various septs of the Mallum, starting with trying to improve diplomatic reach at home in Ossium and then with the reclamation of the barrens helping the work with the septs there, including the Vendarri and the Rahvin. Sławomir works with various senators and interested parties, focusing on outreach to unconnected septs and education on relations across the Mallum.

Sessions involved in at this retreat:
 Fri, 21:00 Special Session on the Barrens
 Sat, 11:00 Diplomacy With Our Enemies
 Sat, 16:00 Understanding and Diplomacy
